Saturday, March 21, 2009

Choosing and Using the Best Snow Shovels

By Douglas Cordell

One of the downsides about the winter season is the fact that you have more chores to do than before. Your electrical cables have to be checked and reinforced to make sure they don't break with heavy snow, tree branches have to be trimmed so they don't break off, and you have to shovel away the snow that heaps up on your paths and driveway. The first two chores are relatively easy, as they're done prior to snowfall, but clearing off piles of snow needs to be after a blanket of snow covers everything.

With new tools and equipment for dealing with snow always coming out on the market, we are always on the watch for something to make our lives easier. The snow blower is an example; while it does lessen the time and effort needed to shovel snow, it is not very practical. In these times of financial hardships, it is quite expensive.

Instead, why don't you stick to the basics? The snow shovel in itself could be a workout, but done properly, this could be healthy for you. Just remember two things:

1) Stretch before starting - As with any strenuous activity, you need to stretch your muscles and get them warmed up to ensure that they don't go into shock from sudden physical strain. Normal stretching routines or a brisk walk will prevent the risk of heart attack.

2) Bend your knees whilst keeping your back upright - Initially, you'll be bending your back to stoop over, scoop snow, then lift, but this may lead to back injury, spraining or worse.

Alternatively, if you are into new gadgets, try looking for those that improve upon the snow shovel rather than replacing it entirely. The best models out there currently feature a new addition to the design; a bungee cord that extends to about three feet in length. The elasticity of the cord adds force to the effort, and the length of the cord means that you are not tempted to stoop down. Shoveling while being able to stand up is a good feeling.

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