Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Over 40? You Can Still Improve Muscle Mass

By Steve Esquire

As we get older we face different issues to add muscle mass then when younger. This is due to a slowing metabolism as we age. Diet, exercise and massage are activities that can increase the metabolism of those over 40 years old. Obviously, if we want to add mass, we need to plan our diet. To build up the muscle mass, we need to work those muscles out. Massage therapy is important to restore and revitalize the muscles and other parts of the body.

As we age and our metabolism slows down we also tend to lose muscle mass. Because of this slowing metabolism in the middle years we also tend to lack much needed energy to help control it. This can leave us prone to the mid-life tire. Unfortunately, this is entirely normal.

As we get older we face different issues to add muscle mass then when younger. Many men and women over the age of 40 metabolize slower than in younger years. There is a way to reduce this and combat this sluggish metabolism. We need to think about establishing a routine that helps us increase our metabolism.

As you get older, you will need to work harder and put more effort into increasing your metabolic rate. This has to be a conscious effort. By working out and pushing your muscles when exercising, you can increase your metabolism. Keep in mind that your muscles will burn more calories than fat. By burning calories, you will increase your metabolism.

Your diet is very important to help you increase your metabolism and to increase your muscle mass. It is always best to work with a nutritionist so that you get a balanced diet and the right types of energy sources. Like anything new, take it slow and avoid drastically changing your eating habits.

Exercise is the fastest way to increase your muscle mass and to burn calories. You do not want to win the Superbowl the first day out. Start off slow and balance your routine to include muscles throughout your body. This way you body will not be out of proportion as you start to show results.

Massage therapy is a great addition to your new regimen. Massage helps to improve your range of motion, removes toxins from the body and can help improve circulation. A massage chair can be a great asset and provides many different treatments to the body.

Women have a fear about adding muscles as they have a perception that they will become more masculine. However, women do not have the high levels of testosterone to build up the bulky muscles like men do. Do not worry women, you will only become more voluptuous as your curves will be better highlighted.

Always start with the basic to start gaining muscle mass over 40. Your body will take longer to get where you want and you will have to work harder. Keep things simple and focus on your diet, exercise program and getting massage therapy. A massage chair can be an excellent asset in keeping fit and feeling good over 40 years old.

Getting over the hill is the easy part. Now to increase your muscle mass, you are going to have to work hard at it. You won't achieve instant results. Expect to see significant results in the first 2 to 3 months that you put in a serious effort. Keep to the basics and watch your diet, balance your exercise and relax with soothing massage chair treatments. You will be happy you did and you will feel better than you have in recent memory.

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